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I will train you to be My ATM machine! This series includes audios with every paymail


Hypnotists have a code of conduct right? Not Lauren. Be afaid and surrende. This is a series with audio and photos. It starts at only $2!


This seductive series starts at only $2 Stop being a pussy, and spend the 2 bucks and learn more about Me


Photos Captioned with My deadly words-oh, and it’s a series *smiles*


Let Dr Lauren lead you to mind blowing orgasms. Oh, it gets expensive, but starts only at


It can’t be a trap, the first email just costs $2


HypnoLoser Slideshow, and series. Surrender Loser and Obey


A series of Audios, and inspirational photos of Dr. Lauren. Listen to the soothing yet strangly erotic voice of Dr Lauren, as she delivers the “therapy” you need to properly enjoy Orgasmic Pleasure


Seduction first, than exploitation! A nice little milking here


It takes you by surprise. I arouse you with My beauty. Then this Stunning Goddess moves in for the wallet rape


you can help Me live in a life of luxury. It is My reality and you can have your small part


you will throb and sacrifice to My ass again and again


Spiral into seduction with this compelling series


Have you wondered how big of a loser you are?


Proof that you are a Loser lies within this series…


See the $2 photo set that inspired slaves to spend more than $17,000 dollars in ten days


I dont actually need a gun to rob you blind. But it’s fun!


Slideshow series. You will be transformed into a mindless stroke zombie for Lauren- WMV format


A click and pay series that will leave you breathless. And broke. And Mine


Seduction Flurry. Beware!


My wallet rape therapy is *VERY* Effective. And profitable


This is a hypnotic video experience with trancy audio complete with subliminals and biaural beats to fuck with your head


I am the Goddess of Greed
I am of the 1% and its YOUR job to keep Me there, let yourself
go with this series


Can I addict you to click and pay? This is a game for the beginner!
A low budget way to experience the thrill!

Begin My deadly game
Experience great pleasure from wallet rape
You’ll enter the zone of click and pay. Don’t believe it’s real? I defy you to buy only one
This is a very special series that uses slideshows, mp3 recordings and many subliminal messages that will induce you to become addicted to Me
Mmmmm My hypnotic game of DOOM. You will start clicking and paying and fall right into My trap!
12 Steps to becoming addicted to ME! Each step guides you into adeeper place
You’ve been warned. This *is* a deadly expensive trap. You’ll be mindfucked and conditioned to serve. Obey and buy it NOW!
These are the rules to My cum permission game. Buy them, and you’ll understand how the game works, and then you’ll be able to continue and play! Yum!
Surrender to Me and allow Me to control your cock. You need that don’t you? This is a five part series, where you will be given exact instructions on jerking off. Each part is $10.
Are you worried you might have a financial slavery addiction? I, Dr Lauren, offers you this test and a chance to receive My special Dr Lauren therapy!
You are My ATM in this dangerous series. I push your buttons and cash spills out!
Your financial slavery to Me begins with only a $2 email. It’s only $2, that can’t hurt…right?
This is for all the slaves out there who enjoy being commanded to inflict pain upon themselves. This is a series of emails in which you can obey My commands on how to hurt yourself. You’ll find it ..sublime. All assignments have easy to obtain objects to use in your ‘scene’
Serving Me is not safe. This little financial slave exercise will prove it! This is a series.
A dangerous combination of mp3s and photos. This series will demonstrate that you are indeed My hypnotized money slave
Ever wonder what it would be like if I could just go into your mind, and reprogram it to serve Me? Why you would be Mindbranded!